AGATHA (Weiblich)

After I was hit by a motorbike, some lovely Thai people brought me to the DRCS where I got immediate car. Thankfully I recovered quite fast and in with no time I could stand on all four paws again. I've always felt very comfortable at the shelter and love the cat house. I believe the DRCS people could tell so too and therefore never bothered to bring me back on the street. Puhh...lucky me! Things are good now and I look forward to spending the rest of my life here.... unless some nice person comes by and decides to adopt me of course...

Ich hatte großes Glück und habe hier auf der Insel ein neues zu Hause gefunden!

Während meiner Zeit im Tierheim Rosemary aus South Yarra in Australia für mich gesorgt. Vielen Dank!