PERLE (Female)

My sister Shelli and I were living in Lamai. We didn't really have a proper home or a place we could call our own. We basically lived next to the road and slept under parked cars. We tried very hard to be accepted by someone, went from one resort to the next, tried several houses but everyone just chased us away and often in such a brutal way that we had lost any kind of trust in people. The lovely volunteers from the DRCS found us and gave us vaccine before they then took us into the shelter. We were hard work and didn't let anybody touch us for the first 3 weeks - even though they let us live in a nice comfy room inside the puppy house. Things got better with every day and we slowly but surely started to trust them...and who knows...maybe one day we will find our own family. And if not....we are making the best of our lives here at the DRCS.

Marianne from Germany is now looking after me. Thank you very much!