NEW STAR (Female)

Some tourists decided to help out Brigitte by collecting dogs for castration in Chaweng Noi (where I lived). I was picked up but was too thin and mangy to be operated on. I was kept safe here in Chaweng while my friends got 'the operation'. On the day they were returned to the beach, the puppies (who had been too young for operation) were poisoned by someone. The local hotel managers again claimed it was the tourists who have been poisoning the dogs in Chaweng Noi. Anyway, I'm safe and now have the task of greeting all the visitors to the shelter. I do this by lying across the top step just outside the front door so they have to step over me. I lick their ankles on the way past!

Good news: I found a new home on Koh Samui!

For the time I was at the DRCS, Chriseldis from Seeheim Jugenheim in Germany was looking after me. Thank you very much!