MIKE (Male)

Petra (my favourite volunteer) arrived one day wanting to carry out a census of all us dogs. What followed thereafter was a great game of ‘Catch me if you can’! Petra ran around the compound trying to catch each dog to take its photo. All of us dogs let her get quite near us before we ran away in the opposite direction. What fun we had that day! As the day went on, Petra’s face got redder and redder. However, in the end, we let her take each of our photos and now here I am. Nobody knows how I got here or when I got here but here I am and here I will stay unless someone on the island or somewhere wants to give me a home.

I have very big luck because was chosen from Anna from the Animal Protection Network in Sweden. (www.animalprotection.se). to fly to Sweden. She saw me on the homepage und decide to take me to Sweden, so I could have a better live. The organization paid the fly for me and now I live very happy in Sweden. I love my new home very much!

He has been rehomed by a 65 year old lady who lives in a large house with a large garden. She loves Mike very much and he is always with her. He lives on a diet of chicken, rice and vegetables. Subsequently he has put on some weight but has also gained some nice muscles. He is a very happy and playful dog and loves his long walks in the forest and the company of his new female friend! (Thank heavens he was neutered while on Koh Samui!)

Iayanna from the United States looked after Mike as he was in the shelter. Thank you very much.