My name is Mathilda and I came to the Dog and Cat Rescue Center together with my brother Hagrit. We both grew up in the same little Thai village just beside a very busy main road where the cars pass by with very high speed. Many of the little puppy dogs from our village died on the road. Very often their mother walked ahead and they just followed. I so often had to watch it happen and always thought how stupid these little inexperienced dogs are. And then one day it happened to my older brother Hagrit too. He didn't see the big truck in time and was hit by it. Thankfully the truck only got him on his side but the back leg got really badly hit. Nobody else saw the accident and it took many days until he got some help.  Animal friends brought me and my injured brother to the Rescue Center where we both got the treatment we needed to survive. Today I am healthy again and so is Hagrit. Just his leg looks a little funny still but he really doesn't  care about that. All is good and we like being here.