DELUXE (Female)

I'm deluxe and still quite a young dog. I used to live near the main shelter in Baan Taling Ngam where I grew up with my siblings and some other doggies. I was born as one of seven puppies and have always been a happy and playful character. The village we grew up in consisted of a few simple wooden houses, 4 families and many cats and chickens were part of the community too. One strange day all the humans disappeared and the houses were taken down. The other animals also slowly moved on and so did i. I followed some friendly tourists and landed up at the Dog Rescue Center. I think they just went there to visit. I however really liked it there and decided to stay. At first I just lingered around outside the gate but then slowly made my way inside where I know live and I call it home. My favorite thing is to give lots of kissed to the volunteers and I hope I can spread some of my joy for life – especially to the doggies who seem to be a little lost in here.

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