DANY (Female)

DANY ( female ) Dany from DIVEPOINT did discover me at the streetside. (Animalfriends dive naturally always with DIVEPOINT). I was quit in a mess. Almost no fur and very thin. You can see more pictures of me in December newsletter 2006 Newsletter December 2006. After a short time I let myself be outwitted by her and she threw a planket over me and put me in her car. We went to Chaweng to the DRCS. Because I am a lovely beeing and don´t chase cats (only occasionaly when nobody sees me), I was allowed to move in the house of Brigitte and Werner. I got well fast and got castrated as soon as I was well fed enough and my fur looked good. After that I came back in the house in Chaweng. Suddenly I got a blue veil on both my eyes and got blind. I ran against everything. But already within two days I knew the house so well that I aranged myself with my handicap. After all we dogs do have a nose aswell!

Pia from Germany is now looking after her. Thank you very much!