CODY (Male)

My name is Cody and even though I'm a rather small little furry doggie, on the inside i like to imagine that I'm this huge dominant male dog who has his pack under control. But of course these thoughts only exist in my imagination. Sometimes my outside is a reflection of my inside and I actually behave like i was a big dominant dog but whenever I do, some actual big dog in my compound comes along and puts me right back in the place i belong. I guess i should try a little harder to live in the real world and stop my constant dreaming of being a bigger and stronger dog. However though, one dream I will never let go of and that is finding my own home and my own family who wants to adopt me. p>

I thought I can win the fight agaist the snake, but she was fighting with an unfair weppon...

We are sad to loose Cody, but we had no chance to rescue his life...