BAKKA (Female)

I was brought by Kaori from Koh Phangan for castration. However, during my first night here, I jumped over the wall and, while walking around on the streets, I was hit by a car. My back legs were paralyzed and nothing could be done to make me walk again. Because I was so fit and healthy in every other way, the vet would not put me to sleep. I'm glad of that! I was only the 18th dog every to have been taken into the shelter so I have been here a long time. I can get round the compound OK because all the surfaces are smooth and I can look after myself if there's any trouble. I always make sure that I am one of the first to meet any visitors. I like it here except when the volunteers decided I need a bath - they always pick on us paralyzed dogs as we can't run away so quick! Kaori didn't forget me when she went back to the USA and she bought me a wheelchair - I think I am the first stray dog in Thailand to have such a thing. I've got this because I am very special.

Bakka stayed with us for many years until he peacefully died in her sleep. During the time at the shelter, Hortense was looking after her.