I was brought to the shelter together with my sister Emily. We were brought by animal loving tourists since we couldn't take care of ourselves when we were 6 weeks old. From the first moment, we have felt great at the DRCS and we love to sleep in the bed. It is not easy to distinguish between us and we have a lot of fun playing twins. Probably, I will fly to Stephanie in Germany soon. Actually, she chose Emily to live with her but she is still very thin and bony. The doctor doesn't have an explanation for this and Brigitte thinks it is better to send me instead of Emily. In Germany the vet fees are very high and when you only enter the doctor's office to say hello you will have to pay 20 Euros. Since Dr. Sid doesn't have an idea what's wrong with Emily I think it is better that I fly to Germany.

The flight to Germany did not work out, but I have found a super new home on Koh Samui.

I do not need a sponsor anymore.